Custom listing please allow 4 - 6 weeks for your order to be ready. Images are for reference only you may choose any colour/colour combo you like. Please add your colour choice and any other details in the comments section at checkout and also please be intouch via the contact us page, FB or Instagram to discuss further and or send any outfit photos so I can match your pixie wings to them.
These Beautiful Pixie wings have been completely crafted by hand with the upmost attention to detail.
Each set of pixie wings measures approximately 64cm from tip of wing to the bottom and 55cm from the wing tip to wing tip (across). This may vary slightly with each set as they are sculpted by hand. They are suitable from around age 1 upto Adults.
For reference, Model Unity is wearing a white set she is age 7 and 130cm tall.
The option for a matching flower crown is also available to purchase separately. See drop down menu to add one.
You can also order a matching fairy wand via the custom fairy wand listing.
Wings may be shipped with flower crowns, clips and other hair accessories but wands will need to be shipped in a separate box. This price will automatically combine at checkout. Wings are $26.95 and wands $12.95 meaning if you cart a wand and a set of wings totally shipping will be $39.90.
Wings are currently only shipping inside Australia to get a quote on international shipping please contact me.